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Strawberry Pain Duathlon

Last Sunday (28.01.2018) 16 members of Wight Tri took part in the Strawberry Pain duathlon, a nominated time event. A choice of a 3.5 or 2.5 mile run in muddy conditions over Mottistone Down was followed by a 13 mile cycle loop through Calbourne and Afton and returning via the Military Road, Brook, Brighstone and finishing with the sharp ascent up Strawberry Lane. The first run was then repeated. Closest to their nomination was Jan Fletcher, 24 seconds out in 1:55:36 followed by Andy Dixon, 31 seconds out (1:58:31) and third was new member Alan Jones 40 seconds out in 1:51:40. Craig Wilson was fastest over the course in 1:34:25. Well done to all who took part over a tough course and the next event in the series is the Chillerton Crucifier on Sunday 11th February.

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