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Swim training

Soon came around – swim training at Medina starts again in three weeks time on Wed 20th Sept at 8pm.

Sessions are for members only and are coached training sessions, not basic swimming lessons. You should be able to swim 100m minimum before attending.
As last year, to keep admin at a minimum and the sessions as effective as they can be, the year will be broken down into five blocks of seven weeks.
20/09/17 – 01/11/17
08/11/17 – 20/12/17
03/01/18 – 14/02/18
21/02/18 – 04/04/18
11/04/18 – 23/05/18
Payment for each block will be in advance into the Club account, the cost will be confirmed once we have new pricing from Medina but should be no more than £25 per block.
You will need to sign up and pay for the whole block, regardless of how many sessions you can make as the cost is based on us covering for the hire, coach and lifeguards every week. It is a private hire – you do not need to pay Medina, OneCards do not count either.
For each block we will take a maximum of 30 people.
You may not swap or give up your place to someone else if you cannot make a session. The max of 30 people is based on not all being able to attend every week and an average of around 25 in the pool. If someone else takes your place then we will have 30 every week, which is too many and we would need to adjust the maximum number down.
If we have more than 30 names for the first block then priority will go to the members with the longest continued membership. If you register but fail to get in a block you will go to the top of the next list and be guaranteed a place in the next block. The list will continue to roll in the same way so no one should miss out on more than one block.

Membership is due at the end of September so should be included in the payment for the first block.

Do nothing now – details of how to register and pay will follow nearer the time.

~ Joe
