Welcome to the new website Latest News by Wight Tri - July 21, 2016July 23, 20160 Welcome to the new website! The all new Wight Tri website aims to be more interactive and better equipped to keep all our exciting adventures easier to follow. Our Facebook page will likely remain the goto point for members but hopefully these pages will make things easier to find with more detail. Although I will take on the task of adding posts and keeping the site fresh It would be great if everyone can interact. There is a calendar of events on the website but please notify me of events in case I miss them on Facebook. I shall try and integrate Facebook posts onto the site to. This is possible, just gotta work out how to do it. To start with I have added a contributor page for members to use. In here you will find a simple form with a text editor and the ability to upload a picture for your post. The aim of this is to get race reports on the site, quick and live from the field, even if its just a short statues update with a pic. You’ll need a password to access the form. Please contact me (Sean) for the password. Feel free to submit your articles but please make them an article or a race report style post and not a Facebook style post as these pages aren’t intended to become a forum, as such, although there is a facility to leave comments on posts. All submissions, comments or posts will be pending until approved by admin. You’ll also see a lot of social sharing icons on most posts, please use them as much as you can. I plan to add a members area that will be interactive too. Please feel free to email me with ideas for the website. It’s a work in progress, but it’s out there! So… enjoy :0) Sean Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Related Share on Facebook Share Share on TwitterTweet Share on Pinterest Share Share on Digg Share Send email Mail Print Print